Community-Based Organization in Uganda

Nantaba Clare - Co-founder and Finance & Administrative Manager
Claire's passion for alleviating the plight of vulnerable people is the reason why she has devoted her whole heart and time to rendering a helping hand and throwing some light to those who seem to be forgotten and hopeless. She does this all in the name of Resilient Women's Organization.
Claire has a diploma in Secretarial Studies and Business Management from Nkumba University.
Mugambwa Paul - Programs Manager & Counselor
Paul is passionate about guiding young people toward the right path.
He graduated from Nkumba University with a Diploma in Psychology, Guidance and Counseling.
Ndagire Hope Lydia - Co-founder and Director
Lydia's passion for Community Development especially for women is what inspired her to start Resilient Women's Organization. As many of the communities the organization serves are mostly populated by women, she believes that to attain meaningful growth, women empowerment and education are pivotal.
Lydia holds a Bachelor's Degree in Secretarial Studies and Organizational Management from Makerere University.